* System 7.5 Compatibility – Fixed Font Acceleration bug with System 7.5.
* Added code to prevent 8Li CDev 1.1 from loading on PowerMac – Maintains consistency with other 680x0 CDevs (Horizon 24, PaintBoard Professional, Turbo, Lightning, and Accelerator 3.0.3)
* Add RasterOps Driver Patch v1.0 to the disk.
Checked with Disinfectant 3.5
This file has been checked with SAM 3.5 and was found virus–free
RasterOps, Truevision and the RasterOps logo are registered trademarks of RasterOps Corporation. All other registered trademarks and trademarks belong to their respective holders.
The PaintBoard 8Li 1.1 Control Panel is used to turn acceleration on and off for the PaintBoard 8Li in Macintosh computers (Mac II through Quadra and Centris models.)
The PaintBoard 8Li 1.1 Control Panel is being released to fix a System 7.5 compatibility issue. The PaintBoard 8Li 1.0 Control Panel causes multiple system beeps during System 7.5 boot while the control panel is loading and text corruption in menus and title bars. System 7.5 users must also use the RasterOps Driver Patch 1.0 (also included on the disk.)
The PaintBoard 8Li 1.1 Control Panel is also compatible with Systems 7.1. and 7.1.2.
The Control Panel will not load on Power Macintoshes. Therefore, no acceleration will occur on those Systems although the PaintBoard 8Li will operate with the RasterOps Driver Patch. (See ReadMe in Driver Patch Folder for details)
To install the PaintBoard 8Li 1.1 Control Panel follow the directions above while computer is in 68K (NOT Power Macintosh) mode. PaintBoard 8Li Control Panel will be loaded and be activated only in 68K mode. No acceleration is supported in Power Macintosh mode.
1. Virtual Memory should be turned off before setting the resolution on startup. The monitor resolution is set by holding down the Command, Shift and Option keys while the Macintosh is starting up. Virtual Memory control is found in the Memory control panel.
2. MacsBug version 6.2.2 is not compatible with the PaintBoard 8Li in a Macintosh II, IIx or IIcx.
3. On the Macintosh IIci with either the Apple Extended or Adjustable Keyboards holding the Command, Shift and Option keys during startup to set the resolution of the display adapter may take more than one attempt.
The RasterOps/Truevision Technical Support department is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Worldwide: (317) 577–8788
U.S.: (317) 577–8788
or (800) SAY–COLOR = (800) 729–2656
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Worldwide: (317) 594–2900
U.S. and Canada: (317) 576–7770
America Online: RASTERHELP
FTP: ftp.rasterops.com or
Internet Email: support@rasterops.com or
BBS: (317) 577–8777
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RasterFAX™ is an automated FaxBack system that allows you to obtain immediate information on RasterOps products, price lists, bulletins, and upgrades by dialing (800) SAY–COLOR = (800) 729–2656 ((317) 594–2990 for International) and selecting the FaxBack option.
TrueFAX™ is an automated FaxBack system that allows you to obtain immediate information on Truevision products, price lists, bulletins, and upgrades by dialing (800) 522–TRUE = (800) 558–8783 ((317) 577–8783 for International) and selecting the FaxBack option.